The Middle East and made the day not had from North Africa people

Why, the Middle East Tsukasa Shioya is in excess of either ...

The Middle East and made the day not had from North Africa people Burning of the Middle East, there is one of the soccer players to play in the UAE. Tsukasa Shioya, 0-year-old. Japan name DF who experienced representatives greet the season of the year first in the powerhouse Al Ain from the moon. [Th year I am not even know culture, ended up spent somehow. Th year will be able to be words, it has become fun. Still enjoy th year. Inflate the expectations and] I think we can be more. Challenge that called surprise, bears the 0-year-old Tsukasa Shioya greet the season second in the UAE outfit Al Ain Burning of the Middle East, there is one of the soccer players to play in the UAE. Tsukasa Shioya, 0-year-old. Japan name DF who experienced representatives greet the season of the year first in the powerhouse Al Ain from the moon. [Th year I am not even know culture, ended up spent somehow. Th year will be able to be words, it has become fun. Still enjoy th year. Inflate the expectations and] I think we can be more. The beginning of the challenge came as a surprise.

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