The Middle East and made the day not had from North Africa people

Due to climate change, may not able to live in the Middle East by ...

The Middle East and made the day not had from North Africa people Increase and the average annual temperature and humidity, due to an increase in extreme weather events, the Persian Gulf countries, there is a risk that is not suitable to live up to 00 years early. It is described in the listed meteorologists et al. In the science journal [Nature Climate Change]. Experts of the US Massachusetts Institute of Technology, shows the following opinion - [If you continue to release us it is the same as a lot of greenhouse gases and now, to the end of the century, the Persian Gulf countries exceeds the threshold value, would be unsuitable to live. Faster than our forecast, already This is recognized now. The reason for this, the humidity, the reflectivity of the water surface of the bay, but the overlap unusual factors of high temperature]. Experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Loyola University, to analyze the change in the wet-bulb temperature] the future of the 00 years of the Persian Gulf countries and the Middle East countries, reached such a conclusion.

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